Kasey Potzler currently resides in Bellingham, Washington with her husband Lee, and their two cats, Hairy Pawtzler & Sir William. Originally from Minnesota, the Potzlers have lived in Bellingham since 1991.
Though she grew up sewing and quilting and enjoying art projects, Kasey never really considered herself an artist until coming to Bellingham and having to take an Art Education class on the way to achieving a teaching certificate. This class opened the door to the artist within. She got her start in book arts when she invited an Artist in Residence to her 5th grade classroom in Mount Vernon to do bookbinding. From that point on she's been hooked on making books and teaching others to enjoy this creative outlet as well. Kasey has taken book arts classes from instructors in Washington and Minnesota. She currently has her books at Chuckanut Bay Gallery in Bellingham, and Jansen Art Center in Lynden, WA. Previously her books have been at the Minnesota Center for the Book Arts in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Fusions Gallery in Ocean Shores, and Afishionado Gallery in Seattle. She also participates in two juried shows in Bellingham each Fall - the Whatcom Artist Studio Tour and the Allied Arts Holiday Festival.
Kasey creates hand bound blank journals using acid free handmade papers from around the world, decorative papers and leather. Her primary method uses decorative stitching where inside page sections are sewn directly through the spine. This creates a very sturdy book which lays flat when opened, making the books very easy to use for writing or drawing. She also creates photograph albums, accordion books, and enjoys doing custom work.
Kasey starts her books with quality materials. Inside papers are 100% cotton– usually Arches Text Wove and Arches Watercolor papers. Covers are davy board or mounting board covered with acid free handmade papers from around the world, decorative prints or fabric. At times Kasey uses scrapbooking papers to match a customer’s desired theme. For some custom work she uses fusible inkjet Fabric Sheets with the customers’ own pictures as their covers. Leather books are made with 4-6oz. chap leather. Sewing is done with 100% twisted silk made in Switzerland. She starts with large sheets of board and papers, and half hides of leather, and all materials are cut or torn to correct sizes. All books are sewn by hand. Family and friends collect the deer antlers that make the leather books’ buttons. Kasey’s dad and husband cut and sand buttons for her. Recently Kasey has begun exploring metalworking so you’ll see an addition of etched copper plates, sewn or riveted to some of her leather books.
Kasey enjoys the challenge of creating books with specific customer's needs and desires in mind, & invites customers to visit her studio to pick out their own papers & leather for personalized books. She considers herself the first artist, knowing that individuals who purchase her books and use them are the second artists for these keepsakes! On these pages you'll see samples of Kasey's work. Her papers and leather materials are always changing so email or call to see what's available.